At last, independence for Kosova
An excerpt of the declaration of independence read by Prime Minister Hashim Thaçi to the Parliament of Kosova on February 17, 2008:
Duke nderuar të gjithë burrat dhe gratë që bënë sakrifica të mëdha për të ndërtuar një të ardhme më të mirë për Kosovën,Translation:
1. Ne, udhëheqësit e popullit tonë, të zgjedhur në mënyrë demokratike, nëpërmjet kësaj Deklarate shpallim Kosovën shtet të pavarur dhe sovran. (...)
2. Ne shpallim Kosovën një republikë demokratike, laike dhe multietnike, të udhëhequr nga parimet e jodiskriminimit dhe mbrojtes së barabartë sipas ligjit.
Honoring all the men and women who made great sacrifices in order to build a better future for Kosova,(More in English or Albanian.)
1. We, the leaders of our people, elected in a democratic manner, through this Declaration declare Kosova an independent and sovereign state. (...)
2. We declare Kosova a democratic, secular and multiethnic republic, led by the principles of nondiscrimination and equal rights under the law.
Official recognition from the US:
Secretary Condoleezza RiceAnd France:
Washington, DC
February 18, 2008
The United States has today formally recognized Kosovo as a sovereign and independent state. We congratulate the people of Kosovo on this historic occasion.
President Bush has responded affirmatively to a request from Kosovo to establish diplomatic relations between our two countries.
Déclaration de M. Bernard Kouchner (Bruxelles, 18 février 2008)Translation:
Ce fut long mais c’était normal. (...)
Pour ce qui concerne la France, nous avons l’intention de reconnaître l’indépendance du Kosovo, le Président de la République a écrit en ce sens au Président du Kosovo. La lettre va partir ce soir. Dès que cet échange aura eu lieu, la reconnaissance par la France de l’indépendance du Kosovo sera acquise.
It took a long time but that was expected. (...)Congratulations to Albanians worldwide. Urime Shqiptareve nëpër krejt botës.
As far as France is concerned, we intend to recognize the independence of Kosovo. The President of the Republic has written to that effect to the President of Kosovo. The letter will be sent tonight. As soon as this exchange takes place, recognition by France of the independence of Kosovo will be established.
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